TCA-RGC Train Set Videos

This first video is really awesome, its a ride around Tony’s train, through all the rails, switches and multiple trains running too. It is like a roller coaster ride, really neat.

Take a ride on Tony’s old layout.

This next videos are of Tims train set, has some great sounds from a MTH 4-6-2, video of the train set and the famous train crash (very cool).

Tims train set and a Crusader making an announcement.

Tims train set with a train crash outside of the marshaling yards.

 Tims train set down out of the garages ceiling and running.

Here we have some videos from Scotts train set. Very interesting has a balloon and another has a  plane flying around.

Scotts train set with a balloon moving in the right side.

Scotts train set with a plane flying around too.

This a video from Verns train set it has a close call on the X track.

Verns train set with a train that has a close call and misses a crash.

 Some videos from the 2017 train set tour.

Kens train set.

Franks trains set.

Tims train set


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