New Mexico Model Railroad Clubs

Please click the links below to be directed to the other train clubs here in New Mexico. 

NMRA Rocky Mt Region Train Club.

National Model RR Assoc.(NMRA), Rocky Mountain Region

New Mexico Rail Runners, Albuquerque Society of HO Module Engineers

NM Rail Runners primarily displaying and operating our layout at public event.

Toy Train Operating Society of New Mexico Division link to the new TCA-RGC model train club here in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 

Toy Train Operating Society of New Mexico Division

The Clovis, New Mexico model train club. HO and N scale trains. 

Clovis Model Train Club


  1. I have some A.C. Gilbert American Flyer train stuff that I’m trying to sell. If anyone is interested shoot me an Email. I live in Santa Fe. Thanks


  2. I have a 1955 Marklin Train set I wish to sell , serious inquiries only, set is ready to be inspected , includes 10 assorted cars including Model #3005 Locomotive ,as well as crane car, etc. also 5 assorted boxes of track. Make apt. to see and make offer.

  3. Hello, I have a Louis Marx and Co Stream Line model train that I inherited from my Uncle. It is probably from the 1950s. It is almost working, the engine is getting power and will move forward an inch or 2, then stop and reverse, reverse again, throw some sparks… Where can I take it to get it fixed up? I’m in the Albuquerque area. Thank you for any suggestions.

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